November 20 We've continued reviewing issues found in 1.5 and we'll have fixes out in 1.6 for some of the issues you've found. Work continues on the prison island and the town connected to it. The Prison Development continues on the prison and prison island. There are multiple structures alongside the main detention center. This includes garages, warehouses and a small factory building among others. There are many corridors and nooks and crannies to explore. Jos has put far more thought into the overall game level design and the prison should reflect this and play very nicely. Covid and closures have once again forced the team to set up shop at home. This slowed us a bit last time and once again will likely put a bit of a kink in development. Nothing major and we're capable of working from home, it's just not ideal for communications and morale. We're working on some of the last bits for the 1.6 update and hope to have an experimental build for you all shortly.
