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Alpha Devblog #18 - Alpha 1.6 Preview (New POI - Black Rock Prison | Prison Island Rework ++)

Hello all,

The team is currently developing the 1.6 patch. We're also working on the issues that have been found by the community in the initial 1.5 builds. We have an upcoming experimental build that will hopefully solve some of the fortification issues. Our engine update and backend rework has, as expected, caused a few small issues and we will do our best to get them sorted as soon as possible.

The 1.6 patch will see a graphical update across the world. This will include updated structure textures, new vegetation density, updated terrain textures and much more. 1.6 will also feature a brand new POI, the prison island. As many of you have noticed, there's a small island off the south coast. This island contains an underdeveloped prison and small housing development. Jos is in the process of redeveloping the prison and prison island. The island itself will be smaller than the current island and will feature a large prison and surrounding structures.

The island itself will be reachable via a drawbridge that will require power. You'll need to get the draw bridge operating to move vehicles on and off the island. Below the bridge, the player can find a dilapidated foot bridge. This bridge can also be repaired to allow foot access to the island. Once on the island, players will have to find their way into the prison through new door mechanics and obstacles. The prison POI will feature a large armory and reward ;). The original prison island will remain but we'll be reworking this island also. We will share more shots and more info on the original island in next week's devblog. Below are just a few shots of the current progress.

Start of the prison island rework some blockout work still visible

Corridor development

The island is 'blocked out' so we can test gameplay flow and ensure everything will feel right

Bridge and catwalk connected to mainland

Detail work around prison there's a sewer system below

Merch Shop!

While we're currently unable to sell merch in house which is what we would ideally love to one day do, we have opted into a 3rd party seller (Teespring) to provide those that have requested it the ability to pick up some cool merch and help out the team.

40% Off Sale - Weeklong Deal

Just a quick reminder that there's a few more days left to get 40% off the game during our weeklong deal. The sale ends Monday.


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